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Flu Vaccination

With winter on its way, vaccination against the flu to protect yourself and those around you from the flu is recommended.

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Flu Vaccination Bookings NOW open

Flu is a highly contagious respiratory illness that can lead to severe complications, especially in vulnerable populations. Getting an annual flu vaccine is essential for reducing the risk of flu-related complications and protecting both yourself and those around you. At Paynesville Medical Centre we offer flu vaccines  via our nurse flu immunisation clinics.

What is the Flu?
Influenza (Flu) is a contagious illness of the respiratory tract caused by influenza viruses.  It can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications.  Influenza is spread by contact with respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

What are the signs and symptoms of the Flu?
In adults, the symptoms of influenza can include fever, dry cough, muscle and joint pain, extreme tiredness, headache, and sore throat. In children, influenza may cause a cough, high fever, and listlessness. Children can also get diarrhoea and vomiting as a result of influenza infection.

We will be administering flu vaccines for all patients (aged 6mths and above) from April 8th 2024 via our nurse immunisation clinics.  Book online using the appointment 'Flu Vaccination'.


* Patients eligible under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) will receive the flu vaccination at no cost.  However, a fee of $20 is applicable to ALL patients utilising our nurse vaccination clinics*


1. BOOK ONLINE, Click on Flu Vaccination
2. Follow the prompts to select your time

3. Click on Flu Clinic 1 or 2
3. Make sure you complete your pre-appointment registration and consent forms prior to attending or your appointment will be cancelled ***please ensure that if you are entering details for another person that the correct information is entered at the time of booking***


Opening Hours
Mon- Fri
8:30am - 5:00pm
Sat, Sun &
Public Holidays
2/55 Esplanade
Paynesville Victoria 3880

(03) 5156 0483

(03) 5156 7243

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Paynesville Medical Centre are independent contractors.

They engage

Paynesville Medical Centre

to provide consulting space, reception and billing services, and access to medical equipment, consumables and nursing staff.

We acknowledge our work in the community takes place on the traditional lands of the Gurnaikurnai people of Gippsland. 


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