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Diabetes is a complex and chronic condition

Man Doing Blood Test
Find out how to manage diabetes and prevent heart attack

Being diagnosed with diabetes and living with diabetes can change your life in many ways. However, it can be managed and the risk of complications can be greatly reduced!

At Paynesville Medical Centre we provide a comprehensive approach to managing your diabetes through regular visits to your doctor, education, and management through Diabetes Care Plans, and the provision of referrals to allied health professionals such as an exercise physiologist, dietitian, diabetic educator, optometrists, or podiatrist.


We can also provide you and your family with information and support.

Opening Hours
Mon- Fri
8:30am - 5:00pm
Sat, Sun &
Public Holidays
2/55 Esplanade
Paynesville Victoria 3880

(03) 5156 0483

(03) 5156 7243

The GPs consulting at

Paynesville Medical Centre are independent contractors.

They engage

Paynesville Medical Centre

to provide consulting space, reception and billing services, and access to medical equipment, consumables and nursing staff.

We acknowledge our work in the community takes place on the traditional lands of the Gurnaikurnai people of Gippsland. 


(C) Paynesville Medical Centre  | Privacy | Terms & Conditions | Site by Think Health (C)

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