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After Hours 0499 233 835

In a medical emergency please dial OOO and ask for an ambulance

On the Phone
After Hours Emergencies

If you need medical care outside of our normal opening hours, you should call 000 if it is an emergency, or go to the nearest hospital emergency department Bairnsdale Regional Health Service 5150 3333.

An emergency includes whenever a patient has chest pains, uncontrolled bleeding, poisoning, constant vomiting, serious breathing problems, or anything else deemed as life or limb threatening.

If you need medical care which is an emergency but cannot wait until we re-open, you can call our out-of-hours service, on 0499 233 835.

This service is available after 6pm (and before 8am) Monday to Sunday and public holidays.

The afterhours service attracts private fees for this service, which may not be Medicare rebatable – see our FEES page

Nurse on Call

If you have questions about a medical issue, you can call the NURSE-ON-CALL helpline on 1300 60 60 24 for advice and assistance.  NURSE-ON-CALL is a phone service that provides immediate, expert health advice from a registered nurse, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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