Skin Check 1-2 Areas
Your best defence against skin cancer

Is this the right service for you?
If you have just one or a couple of spots of concern (i.e. if one of your existing moles changes colour, size shape or has started to itch or bleed), it might be appropriate to have just those spots checked.
If you have risk factors for skin cancer and haven't had a full body skin check for over a year it's usually preferable to have your whole body checked in case of skin cancers you may not be aware of.
Skin Check 1-2 Areas
15mins with GP
If you're concerned about a single spot or mole (new, changing or odd-looking) you can have this checked quickly and easily.
15 minutes
Up to 1-3 spots
High resolution digital imaging of 1-2 body areas
High power digital imaging and dermoscopy.
Pricing & What's Involved
Full Price - $150
15min appointment with your GP
Limited skin check up to 1-3 spots
Macro Photography
If any suspicious lesions are detected during the check, your GP will be able to offer appropriate investigations or treatment options.